2005 PDC. Hillel Cooperman, who is in charge of user experience for Windows talked about a lot of the places in which the Windows user experience isn’t great, and one of what he talked about was when you buy a Windows laptop, it’s got about 4 little crappy stickers all over it, and this is not first class, you know, that’s just cheap to have these dumb little stickers, Intel Inside, Powered by blah-blah-blah, and a little Windows sticker […] Can you imagine if you bought a Lexus and it had all kinds of crappy little stickers on there? So, Hillel Cooperman said, we gonna stop these crappy stickers, because that’s a part of why people love their Macs, and why the Mac laptop is so much more elegant than a PC piece of junk laptop […]Някои неща просто не бива да се изричат на глас.
And the audience stood of their feet and cheered for like an hour.
Hillel Cooperman no longer works at Microsoft.
четвъртък, май 07, 2009
Why Windows User Experience Sucks
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Аспарух К.
Етикети: пазарна икономика , Apple
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Мисля,че г-н Cooperman няма за какво да съжалява....
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